An Unlikely Note

floral-crownBack in 1924, the New York Symphony Orchestra played Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at Carnegie Hall. Much to the delight of those who couldn’t attend the performance in person, it was broadcast live on the radio. A few days later, the orchestra received a stunning letter of thanks from the unlikeliest person: Helen Keller, a renowned author and activist who had been deaf and blind from a young age.

Here are just a few lines from her amazing letter…

“Last night, when the family was listening to your wonderful rendering of the immortal symphony someone suggested that I put my hand on the receiver and see if I could get any of the vibrations. He unscrewed the cap, and I lightly touched the sensitive diaphragm. What was my amazement to discover that I could feel, not only the vibrations, but also the impassioned rhythm, the throb and the urge of the music! The intertwined and intermingling vibrations from different instruments enchanted me.”

Doesn’t this remind you to be more grateful? You can read the full letter here.

(Photo from Burnetts Boards)

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